About our Events/Fundraisers

Looking through our past projects, events, and times with these children, we always realize just how much we are greatful for awesome volunteers and all of our gracious donators. We could not do this without you!

We have been fortunate enough to have many fundraisers for these homeless children of which all go towards providing them more every day things such as food, water, clothes, a place to stay, blankets, coats, gloves, school supplies, etc. On this page, you will find pages to past events where you can click and learn about actually what happened and when! We are always updating so come back soon and you might find yourself on here with out children too!

Past Events

  • Soccer Tournament
  • Cookin' for A Cause
  • Annual Fundraiser
  • Art Projects
  • We would love for you to visit

    Whether or not you will come once, twice, by yourself or with a group, we will be very happy and excited to have you visit! No one really understands just how much volunteers and mentors mean to these children. They don't have parents who teach them anything, they go to school because they have to and they don't have anything close to what we have, and yet some of these children are the happiest little boys and girls I have ever seen!

    All of this has to do with you! Please if you have something you want awareness about with children, come host an event for us! Come and teach these underprivledged children what they should be learning about and thinking about but don't always because they don't have that parent that taught you all those things! If you believe schooling is important and that the future of our children is important, then please visit us soon!
    See the Contact Us page for more information!