Volunteering Opportunities

All volunteers are appreciated. Whether you are just a student looking to do something great for children in our community or wanting to teach something to the children. We are looking for anyone who is willing to give their time and perspective to these children. By just coming in a couple times a week or month, you will truly be changing these children lives. They will begin to learn from you and learn about themselves. Whether you just want to come and play board games, shoot some baskets with them, show them how to make a craft, or to actually have an event where you can speak to them in a more professional manner.

Contact us and we will answer all of your questions and help get you through the process to start helping these homeless children who really need you as their role model!

How you're Changing these Children

Not only had we seen a huge change in the children's attitudes but they are also a lot more pleasant when coming to our shelter and they like learning about new things. What I mean by this, is that they tells us they are, "Looking forward to seeing new members of the community that have come back from similar situations and have achieved their dreams that they never would've thought could have come true." They are starting to talk about their futures more and that isn't something they were very open to talk about before. A lot of the children have started bringing their homework with them and are actually asking questions. We see this all as awesome changes that we made possible for them, especially because of our great volunteers that have really changed the way these children live and think!

Statistics show that adults who get a higher education not only helps you financially but it is likely you will live a longer life. From the website, Quint Careers, it explains that looking at data that compares high-school graduates and college graduates you find the following things. They have longer life spans, better access to health care, better dietary and health practices, greater economic stability and security, more prestigious employment and greater job satisfaction, less dependency on government assistance, greater use of seat belts, a more continuing education, greater internet access, greater attendance at live performances, greater participation in leisure and artistic activities, more book purchases, higher voting rates, greater knowledge of government, greater community service and leadership, more volunteer work, more self-confidence, and less criminal activity and incarceration. It also states that knowledge is power, that is why in the past in order to control people or countries, they denied people education so they couldn't/wouldn't learn what they were doing was wrong and do something to change it.

"Speaking at a symposium on American values, Anne L. Heald said there is "an extraordinary consensus that the preparation of young people for work is one of the singular most important things a society can do to improve its ability to prosper in a new international economy." (quintcareers.com)

"Similarly, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan said recently, 'We must ensure that our whole population receives an education that will allow full and continuing participation in this dynamic period of American economic history.'" (quintcareers.com)

Various pictures of volunteers teaching our children

An older teenager working on matching with a young girl.
A woman helping a young girl with her writing.
A woman helping a young girl with her homework.
Volunteers and children at an event where they were about to go row boating.

A woman working with a young boy on some homework.
A young girl learning how to play
A man working with a young boy and teaching him about working on cars.
Two children playing soccer together.