Each semester, the students develop a recruitment campaign to recruit the next semester's applicants for the course. Jacht started as a capstone for advertising students but has expanded in it's reach by adding it as an option for broadcasting students to use as a capstone and encourgaing students from other colleges to participate. Students surrently come from the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, the College of Business, and the College of Fine and Performing Arts. Students work with actual clients and the agency is structured like an actual agency with positions ranging from account executives to designers to ideographers to business developers.
The course's reputation was one exclusiveness and that the course was only for advertising majors. The student's were tasked with creeating a recruitment campaign to begin to present the class as more inclusive instead of as an exclusive course. The students focused on showing that all majors in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications and that any student on campus can both apply and that a diverse group of students already participate in the course. Actual students from the previous semester are represented in the campaign highhlighting thediversity of who participates as well as the types of positions that exist for students. Despitte being restricted to only digital promotion and word of mouth in Fall 2020, thee agency got a reecord 90 applications including adding application from the computer science department for the first time. It was a strong start to break down past perception of who Jacht is for and what students can participate.